Health News

The Board of Health holds meeting in Millersport

The Fairfield County Board of Health held a meeting March 8 in the Millersport Schools District Auditorium. Members of the Board of Health are Steven Kapetansky, MD, MPH, President; Brian Oliver, President of ProTemp; Tina Childers and Teresa Wood. Time was given for public comments. Two variance requests were discussed. Division Reports were given by Health Commissioner R. Joseph Ebel, MS, MBA, REHS, and the Health Department Leadership team. Several personnel were congratulated at the end of their probation. A public question and answer forum and board members comments concluded the meeting. The next board meeting will be held at 4 pm April 12 at the Fairfield County Health Department, 1550 Sheridan Drive, Suite 100.

The Fairfield County Board of Health held a meeting March 8 in the Millersport Schools District Auditorium.

The Fairfield County Board of Health held a meeting March 8 in the Millersport Schools District Auditorium.

senior citizens

The Fairfield Beach Senior Citizens met March 8 at the American Legion Hall on Canal Drive in Millersport. The committee for the meeting was Ron and Karen Pairan who provided fish for the main entrée for the potluck lunch. Ken Keener offered the prayer before the meal.

Following lunch, President Kitzmiller conducted the business meeting. She reminded the group to be thinking about a trip for the June meeting. Ken and Drenille Keener will serve as the committee for the April meeting. Mary Dupler gave some humorous readings. Door prizes were awarded to all 17 members present.

Walnut Township Trustees

The Walnut Township Trustees held a public hearing at 6:30 pm Tuesday, March 7. The application was submitted by Keller Family Chiropractic. The property proposed to be rezoned is located at 10400 Lancaster-Newark Road, Millersport. The applicant requested a rezoning district change from RR (Rural Residential District) to B-1 (Neighborhood Commercial District.

The Walnut Township Trustees held their regular monthly meeting following the public hearing. Fairfield County Sheriff’s Deputy Sgt. Shawn Burke was present to answer any questions from the public. The minutes of the February meetings were approved as well as the Financial Report and bills for payment. A special invoice payment was approved by MS Consultants for the North Walnut Conveyance Study During the time for comments from the floor, several township residents spoke on the solar energy issue.

Township Department Reports were given. Walnut Township Fire Department Chief Price reported on the new medic having been picked up and will be in service very soon. He also reported the run totals for the month of February, reminded everyone of the burn tire hours, and that all services must go through a call to the 911 center. Regional Planning Commission Representative Robert Slater reported that the commission did not have a meeting this month. Zoning Inspector Mike Berry reported on permits submitted in February, letters that were sent for violations, phone calls, and the Board of Zoning Appeals hearing set for Thursday in the Millersport Schools auditorium on tourist homes. Property Inspector Kelly Smith sent a report to the trustees. Nathan Wagner reported on tree trimming and Porta Johns at the township parks. Nathan also reported on Holder Road being closed for a culvert replacement, tires that were replaced on a tractor, berms and cold patch work on roadways, and damage to the sign in the front yard of the township building.

Items of old business approval were given to move forward with plans for a salt barn, no parking signs, DEA Take-Back events and recycle/shredding opportunities, hosting the Fairfield County Health Department meeting at the school March 8th, Safe Room updates, and approval of boat dock policy and application update and keeping the boat dock fee at $240.

Items of new business included approval of the rezoning of the Keller Property, discussion of the North Walnut Township Storm Water Project, Solar Energy regulations were adopted, an open seat on the Zoning Commission was filled, Commissioners future development community feedback meeting March 13th, and the Fairfield County Township Association meeting on April 27th. It was noted that an alternate member is needed for the Zoning Commission.

The trustees entered into executive session with no action to follow.

The next meeting will be held at 7 pm Tuesday, April 4 in the township building.

This article originally appeared on Lancaster Eagle-Gazette: Millersport news: Board of Health holds meeting in Millersport

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