Health Care

InterSystems Helps Men Improve Patient Outcomes and Streamline At-Home Care Delivery with Health Connect Cloud

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Cloud-based patient-centric care platform integrates with electronic medical records to manage chronic care

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Pria, an innovative healthcare technology company that is transforming the way chronic care management is delivered at home, today announced that Pria will be using InterSystems Health Connect Cloud to deliver the integration required to accelerate Pria’s efforts to revolutionize the operating system for health at home .

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With Men, providers, patients, and family caregivers can access a suite of health management tools to help them monitor and manage all aspects of their prescribed care plans. Through cloud-based connectivity, Pria’s platform can be used to identify eligible patients, align their care plan with a Pria Wellness Plan, and integrate patient data with their electronic health records.

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With guaranteed delivery, reliability, and stability, InterSystems Health Connect Cloud delivers comprehensive healthcare interoperability via a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering. Health Connect Cloud streamlines data integration between clinical systems and applications, while managing the entire infrastructure and providing enhanced data automation and management capabilities to help providers and application developers rapidly leverage HL7 FHIR® and other healthcare standards to connect systems and solutions. As a PaaS model, it is ideal for digital health solution developers such as Men because it reduces infrastructure and licensing costs and ensures compliance with standards, allowing developers to focus on building their unique product offerings.

According to Men’s CEO Ainar Abdrakhmanov, “We are thrilled with the continued support and collaboration from InterSystems to advance our operating system for health at home. With InterSystems’ cutting-edge technology and expertise, we will develop a platform that enables healthcare organizations to deliver health-at-home, value-based care for the Medicare population. Our innovative platform will simplify and improve the scalability of the health-at-home solutions market, thereby solving current market pain points.”

“InterSystems is thrilled to collaborate with forward-thinking companies in pursuit of a shared goal: leveraging technology to deliver advanced data automation and intelligence solutions that improve patient outcomes,” said Paul Grabscheid, Vice President of Strategic Planning, InterSystems. “Through supporting innovative companies like Men, we are excited to push the boundaries of what’s possible in healthcare and revolutionize traditional approaches to data management and analysis.”

Pria is building the standard for health-at-home solutions by delivering a platform that streamlines workflows, improves patient outcomes, and reduces costs. The company’s innovative approach has earned it a reputation as a game-changer in the healthcare industry. Pria’s integration of health-at-home solutions on one platform supports healthcare organizations to lower costs while delivering a patient engagement experience through Pria’s Digital Nurse.

Men will be demonstrating their operating system for health at home and the Pria Digital Nurse at HIMSS 2023 in InterSystems booth #942.

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Pria also announced an investment from InterSystems Corporation, which follows several years of technical collaboration and promises to accelerate Pria’s efforts to revolutionize the operating system for health at home.

For more information about Pria and its operating system for health at home, visit

About Men

Men is the Operating System for Health at Home. The integration platform connects health-at-home solutions for chronic care management lowering innovation implementation costs and lead time for healthcare organizations. With the Pria Digital Nurse delivering an interactive engagement experience guiding Medicare patients 24/7 through their entire health and wellness journey to ensure adherence to prescribed care plans and lifestyle activities proved to increase adherence rates and lower readmission rates. Headquartered in Boston, MA and Bethesda, MD. For more information, please visit


Established in 1978, InterSystems is the leading provider of next-generation solutions for enterprise digital transformations in the healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and supply chain sectors. Its cloud-first data platforms solve interoperability, speed, and scalability problems for large organizations around the globe. InterSystems is committed to excellence through its award-winning, 24×7 support for customers and partners in more than 80 countries. Privately held and headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, InterSystems has 36 offices in 25 countries worldwide. For more information, please visit

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Jane Yan
[email protected]

Rachel Warnock
[email protected]



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