Should You Eat With Your Hands and Eschew Cutlery?
January 6, 2023
November 22, 2022 · 7:30 AM
DailyMail has an interesting article that promotes eating with your hands instead of forks, knives and spoons. After all, caveman Grok didn’t have eating utensils.
Those who are a stickler for etiquette should look away now.
That’s because we’ve all been eating the wrong way and should be eating with our hands, according to a psychologist.
Professor Charles Spence, from the University of Oxford, said giving up cutlery is the secret to enjoying food.
He says eating with our hands can ‘heighten the dining experience’ – even for meals like pasta and messy curries.
The professor also claims that hand-feeding improves food flavor and texture while having myriad health benefits.
Steve Parker, M.D
PS: I rarely use “eschew” in conversation because few folks don’t know what it means. In general, I eschew obfuscation.
h/t Splendid Isolation
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